
Participatory Planning Process for the long-term Energy Policy - Energy 2050

The Participatory Planning Process for the long-term Energy Policy - Energy 2050, was a participatory instance through which the Chilean government involved the citizens in the elaboration of the country's energy policy. The process lasted 18 months and contemplated various instances of participation, including a strategic Advisory Committee composed of 27 people ? who were key stakeholders in the sector; a series of technical thematic working groups; regional workshops and, following the recommendations of the OECD, a virtual platform to call for broad citizen participation. In effect, 130 regional workshops were carried out. As a result of this process, in December 2015, the Minister of Energy presented the document "Energy 2050" to the presidency.

Institutional design


Formalization: is the innovation embedded in the constitution or legislation, in an administrative act, or not formalized at all?

Frequency: how often does the innovation take place: only once, sporadically, or is it permanent or regular?

Mode of Selection of Participants: is the innovation open to all participants, access is restricted to some kind of condition, or both methods apply?

Type of participants: those who participate are individual citizens, civil society organizations, private stakeholders or a combination of those?

Decisiveness: does the innovation takes binding, non-binding or no decision at all?

Co-governance: is there involvement of the government in the process or not?

only backed by a governmental program or policy 
Mode of selection of participants
Type of participants
citizens civil society  
democratic innovation yields a non-binding decision  


  • Deliberation
  • Direct Voting
  • E-Participation
  • Citizen Representation


  • Accountability
  • Responsiveness
  • Rule of Law
  • Political Inclusion
  • Social Equality

Policy cycle

Agenda setting
Formulation and decision-making
Policy Evaluation


How to quote

Do you want to use the data from this website? Here’s how to cite:

Pogrebinschi, Thamy. (2017). LATINNO Dataset. Berlin: WZB.

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