Costa Rica

Participatory construction process of the Water Resources Law

The Participatory construction process of the Water Resources Law begins with a national forum, continues with the creation of a technical team and culminates with the presentation of a bill in a Popular Initiative format. In April 2002, the First National Water Forum was convened with the participation of more than 200 specialists interested in issues related to water resources. At this forum the problems of water resource management were discussed and an agreement was reached on the importance of creating a new Water Law. One of the main results of this process was the formation of the Water Technical Group (Span. GTA), a group composed of more than 30 representatives of state institutions competent in water issues, representatives of universities, non-governmental organizations and independent technicians with experience in the field. The GTA, aware of the need to create a socially commendable water law, initiated a broad process of dialogue and consultation for the unified text of the bill. A total of 6 regional workshops were held in addition to 2 follow-up workshops with commissions appointed in each of the regions and a technical workshop in San José. In each of the regions a follow-up commission was chosen by the workshop participants with representation from all sectors. Each of the follow-up commissions had a hearing in the Committee on the Environment of the Legislative Assembly to present the initiatives and proposals derived from the consultation process in their region. The result of this long process was the publication of the project in the official newspaper La Gaceta in January 2004.

Institutional design


Formalization: is the innovation embedded in the constitution or legislation, in an administrative act, or not formalized at all?

Frequency: how often does the innovation take place: only once, sporadically, or is it permanent or regular?

Mode of Selection of Participants: is the innovation open to all participants, access is restricted to some kind of condition, or both methods apply?

Type of participants: those who participate are individual citizens, civil society organizations, private stakeholders or a combination of those?

Decisiveness: does the innovation takes binding, non-binding or no decision at all?

Co-governance: is there involvement of the government in the process or not?

embedded in the constitution/legislation 
Mode of selection of participants
Type of participants
civil society private stakeholders  
democratic innovation yields a non-binding decision  


  • Deliberation
  • Direct Voting
  • E-Participation
  • Citizen Representation


  • Accountability
  • Responsiveness
  • Rule of Law
  • Political Inclusion
  • Social Equality

Policy cycle

Agenda setting
Formulation and decision-making
Policy Evaluation


How to quote

Do you want to use the data from this website? Here’s how to cite:

Pogrebinschi, Thamy. (2017). LATINNO Dataset. Berlin: WZB.

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